Social media is a fantastic platform for generating more business. It's cost-effective, and you can reach so many different customers in your target demographic with practically just a click of a button. However, you're competing in a pretty crowded landscape at the same time. With so many businesses using social media to reach their customers, how can you make sure your content gets noticed?
4 Retail Marketing Strategies to Improve Sales Performance
Crafting and executing a great marketing strategy might not take countless amounts of money, but it does take time.
How Podcasts Can Help Grow Your Business
Have you thought about starting a podcast for your company? Maybe it’s time to. Twenty-two percent of the U.S. population listens to a podcast on a weekly basis, which is yet another audience your business could be reaching. Though podcasting may seem more like a form of entertainment than a marketing tool, it can and should be both.
Is Your Business Losing Money? Here Are 3 Things That Might Be Causing It
Managing Your Online Presence with Google My Business
As commerce and life in general become increasingly digitized, the Internet is an undeniable force in making your brand known to the world, but are you utilizing it to the fullest extent?
Social media philosophies for small businesses and non-profits
In the spirit of social first, President BJ Murphy shares his philosophies on how small businesses and non-profits can make the most of their social media.