

Are Press Releases Dead or Alive? Why They Still Matter for Small Businesses

Are Press Releases Dead or Alive? Why They Still Matter for Small Businesses

Elon Musk once said, "If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion." Press releases still have a place in marketing strategies and they can help small businesses stand out from the competition, generate media coverage, and control the narrative around their brand.

Marketing to the “Saved by the Bell” Generation

Marketing to the “Saved by the Bell” Generation

Generation X remembers AOL’s “You’ve Got Mail” marketing strategy and it was effective – they signed up for email! Although open rates and click-through rates of email aren’t as high as ten years ago, it’s still an effective strategy to reach your consumer. Just remember your audience and that they’ve probably tried on a pair of “Saved by the Bell” zubaz pants!