Politics and social media may have once seemed to be unrelated terms, but they now go practically hand in hand. Social media platforms obviously provide a space for people to communicate with other like-minded individuals about elections, issues and politicians, but how are those politicians leveraging this new frontier?
How Podcasts Can Help Grow Your Business
Have you thought about starting a podcast for your company? Maybe it’s time to. Twenty-two percent of the U.S. population listens to a podcast on a weekly basis, which is yet another audience your business could be reaching. Though podcasting may seem more like a form of entertainment than a marketing tool, it can and should be both.
What March Madness Can Offer Your Digital Marketing
For the month of March, social discourse is dominated by thoughts of brackets, pools and whose college team is going to come out on top. As a small business, you probably won’t be running an ad during the yet-to-be-decided championship match. So what can March Madness mean for your digital marketing?
Is Your Business Losing Money? Here Are 3 Things That Might Be Causing It
Using Engagement Trends to Post the Right Content at the Right Time
In last week’s post, we broke down the demographics of some of the most popular social media platforms so you could determine the best place for your brand to be in the social sphere. But now that you know where to be, do you know what to post? What about when?
Where Does Your Brand Belong on Social Media?
For brands, social media is increasingly a way to reach out to individual consumers, but if you’re not reaching out to the right people in the right ways, you could be missing out on valuable revenue and relationships.